10 Things You Should Know About Women

Women are complex, confounding, difficult to fathom, impossible to predict and so on. While you need a lifetime and more to decipher a woman, you can read this article and get a heads up. We are about to let you in on the 10 things you absolutely need to knowabout a woman.1. Women hate being compared They may ‘jokingly’ ask you how you think they compare to their female friends . They will coax you to answer but you have to hold your ground. No matter what,DO NOT COMPARE. Because no matter what your answer is, you will end up upsetting her. 2. PMS is for real If your weenie bled for 5days every month, you would be cranky too. Be grateful that you don’t have to endure this biological discomfort and be considerate towards the after-effectsshe experiences (every month) because of it.3. Women know when you‘look’ You may make a surreptitious attempt to look at her cleavage or/and at her breasts , and you may think you have succeeded in oglingat them without her knowing. You are wrong. A woman will know when you look (stare). So if she questions you about it, don’t be a fool and deny it. Either way, you will get an evil look for looking at what is not yours to look at. 4. Women have a sex drive Shocked? Don’t be. Contrary to popular Indian belief, Indian women do have a sex drive . They are not coy creatures who will flutter their eyes and sigh deeply when you touch their shoulders. They are in fact nubile beings who will grab your butt and wink at you if they are interested. If they are not interested, you will get an evil look. Or a slap. Depending on your sickness meter.


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